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May Round-Up: Snorkeling and Eco-Travel!

Underwater shot of two snorkelers swimming at the surface over some blue fish and orange coral. Text overlay reads, Take only memories, Leave only bubbles.

Take only memories and leave only bubbles. A motto for all underwater adventurers!

Male robins serenade prospective mates with courtship calls as I sit on my little apartment balcony enjoying the smell of shoe polish (perhaps a bit too much!)

The old pair of boots were scuffed and dusty, but after a couple hours worth of old-fashioned elbow grease, and a new pair of laces, they looked even better than their original unboxing! Spring is a time of newness; new life, new aspirations, new projects. Yet the boots reminded me that spring is also a time of restoration and re-birth; that sometimes, rather than go with something new, something old can be made new again. 

I’m showing off those old boots at a friend’s wedding tomorrow.

I’m sure many of you are planning trips and vacations for the summer. For adventurous souls such as ourselves, newness is something we love to seek out. New destinations, new gear, new challenges! But sometimes it pays to go back to something old and see it with new eyes.

Snorkeling was the first step many of us took (or are taking!) into the world of underwater adventure. How can you see this common sport in a new way again?

For Tide Trek’s first month of articles, I take a closer look at snorkeling from a green travel perspective. Whether snorkeling is something new for you, or just something you do when you aren’t diving, there’s always more thought we can give to how our activity impacts the environment. Perhaps it will be the gear you use, your technique, or your choice of tour operator.

My hope is that these articles will inspire you to re-examine something about this seemingly simple sport!

Enjoy the tides!


A quick guide to eco-snorkeling: What to look for and recommendations for responsible tour operators, conservation programs, and sustainable destinations.

A quick guide to eco-snorkeling tours

What to look for and recommendations (operators, programs, locales)

I bet your reasons for choosing snorkeling have at least something to do with experiencing the majesty of ocean ecosystems and sea life. That was certainly the case for me! I’ve been obsessed with marine biology (especially whales and dolphins) ever since I was a little girl. My love for ocean ecosystems drew me towards my scientific career and to water sports like snorkeling and SCUBA.

That means folks like you and me are always looking for opportunities to have amazing trips where we get to see cool marine animals. We all want true underwater adventures here, right? For our vacations, we’re looking for the best dive centers, resorts, and Liveaboards.

But there’s one key thing you have to check that will make or break your choice:

Does your snorkeling tour emphasize respect for ocean animals and coral reef habitats?

Read More…

Responsible snorkeling: 10 tips for a sustainable trip

There’s plenty you can do to rest assured you aren’t contributing to the destruction of aquatic habitats. Most of them aren’t that difficult either!

Does your snorkel tour put ocean conservation first?

One quick test to find out if your snorkeling tour operator deserves your business! Making the right choice isn’t always complicated!

Gear Guide

How to choose a mask and snorkel that suits your face and ability

We don’t merely dream of visiting the ocean’s realms. We wonder what it would be like to call them home… Having the right snorkeling gear is the first step!

Find out what beginner snorkelers can learn from freedivers about choosing a mask and snorkel!

A detailed buyer’s guide in 3 parts!

Snorkels and dive masks come in so many different styles and designs. This variety can be overwhelming to beginners, but once you know all the key features and what they’re for, you’ll find your perfect match in no time!

Cool stuff I’ve been reading…

…and watching! A bit of science and bit of art!

Our Shared Seas – A new website summarizes global statistics on ocean health.

Urban Coastlines – Can engineers eventually create eco-friendly urban coastlines?

Short Documentary – This artist raises reef conservation awareness with underwater paintings!

Ocean Photography – Mind-boggling underwater photography from Scott Wilson.

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